Full Monty Leadership Development demands; we have the courage to See, Hear and Speak!

3 min readMar 31, 2017


We must be willing to listen to what we don’t want to hear, to see what we don’t want to see and to take a stand in the face of opposition.

Some people cannot see because they are blind. Some cannot hear because they are deaf. Some cannot speak because they are mute.

Others cannot see because they cover their own eye to a truth that disproves their conditioning.

Others cannot hear because they block their ears to a truth that challenges that conditioning. While others stay silent because they choose to protect lies.

However, a Full Monty Leader looks at what others refuse to see. Listens with discernment, compassion and an open mind. A Full Monty Leader is always willing to discover what it is that did not know. A full Monty Leader is also willing to speaks the unspeakable truth, even if it would have them ostracized. Why?

Because a Full Monty Leader knows that which is called ‘evil’ can only exists in the the places others will not look, and in the secrets few have the courage to speak. These are signs of not only a Full Monty Leader, but also someone of great integrity

Should you meet such a leader make them your friend, be guided by them, and develop your leadership under them. Such leaders are not only rare, but they exemplify three of the greatest characteristic of leadership: They are transparent, curious and courageous.

I trust that you found this article valuable, if so feel free to send this to your friends. I eagerly anticipate your feedback and comments.

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Dov Baron is first and foremost “The Dragonist”. As The Dragonist, he teaches us how to recognize, find, retain and nurture dragons (top talent) hidden within our organizations.

Want to learn more about what Dov has to offer, and how you too can become a Dragonist in your realm? If you and your leadership team are dedicated to getting the result you set out to achieve in the most meaningful manner, bring Dov in to speak to your organization about the strategic advantages of Dragon Leadership.Go here to get started.

With gratitude,
Dov Baron…

Copyright: Dov Baron International 2020




Inc Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Top30 Global Leadership Guru, Inc #1 Podcast for Fortune 500 Executives, The Worlds Leading Meaning Authority