Thought Leaders

4 min readMar 8, 2017

If you are a follower of my work, you know that I am in my third decade of being a teacher and, over the years, I have met and hung out with some pretty great people– some famous, many not so much.

I’ve had some amazing experiences, but some are just extra cool. Just a few years ago, I felt like I was a kid who had had a couple of hits and now somehow, by some divine intervention, I was invited into the recording studio to be part of “We Are The World

I was seated in a room in a hotel on Hollywood Boulevard; a place some would say is ego central, with some of the world’s greatest game changers. As I looked around, I was suddenly deeply aware that I was in the resonance of what it means to be a real thought leader, an influencer of influencers.

Some of these great minds were people I had come to know over the years as friends. Some had been guests on my radio show, although I had never met them in person. Many more I only knew by the impact they have had on the world.

The person in the chair next to me at the round table was none other than Ken Kragen, the man behind the careers of people like Kenny Rogers, Lionel Richie, and many others and, in case you didn’t know, the “We are the World Project,” which featured virtually every megastar of the day.

Can you imagine being a singer invited into the studio that day? I heard many of them say in interviews that even though the world may have seen them as superstars, to be in the room with those who had been their idols was a dream come true. That may be because of what Quincy Jones said about the making of “We Are the World” and all the massive megastars that came together for the project. Quincy said that all the stars were asked to leave their egos at the door.

That’s what experienced that weekend in L.A. everyone put their ego on hold and opened to making a difference. I found Ken Kragen to be a warm, caring, and lovely man as we discussed the causes we care about and how we could assist each other in making a difference. Ken was just one of the many other thought leaders and world changers I got to share ideas with. People like Jack Canfield, Bill Walsh, Sandra Yancey, Lynn Rose, Brian Tracy, Vishen Lakhiani, Jere Calmes, Patrick Combs, Gary Goldstein, Rick Raddatz, Lisa Sasevich, Wendy Keller, Brad Fallon, Mari Smith, Kevin Hall, Paul Hoffman, Jay Fiset, Freddie Ravel, Cynthia Kersey, Robert Allen, Darren Hardy, Mitch Axelrod, Steven Napolitan and his business partner Tommy the Greek :), Bob Yates, JD DeBolt, Rob Waldo Waldman, Larry Bennet, and sooooo many more.

Each and every one of them was totally present and willing to serve everyone who sat by them. Each one was gracious, kind and generous and I am here to tell you that I am a blessed man

When I think about all the difference that has been made; all lives that have been changed directly through those who have been blessed to work personally with these people, or who have been changed indirectly by studying their books or materials; by all the causes that they support; by the wisdom and insight offered by this collection of almost two hundred thought leaders, to say that I am honored to have been invited to be part of this conversation and the opportunity to be of service is a gross understatement!

My sincere and deep gratitude goes out to Larry Bennet and especially the entire team who I know worked insanely hard to put this event together that I get to remember even these few years later.

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Dov Baron is first and foremost “The Dragonist”. As The Dragonist, he teaches us how to recognize, find, retain and nurture dragons (top talent) hidden within our organizations.

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With gratitude,

Copyright: Dov Baron International 2020




Inc Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Top30 Global Leadership Guru, Inc #1 Podcast for Fortune 500 Executives, The Worlds Leading Meaning Authority